Thursday, October 03, 2019

Dollar Tree Crafter's Square

Have you seen the new Crafter's Square at Dollar Tree? One of the boys needed a USB charger so we  stopped by and I'm optimistic. That banner wasn't there last week and although the section isn't fully stocked yet I went looking online and it looks like they're going to have some fun additions.

The store I visited had the glitter and beads I've found there before (with a few new varieties), along with paint brushes and some wooden pieces. There was still lots of room the new craft section could expand into.

I'll be checking back later to see if they get the adhesive cork sheets and utility knives I saw on some of the haul videos. There were also some little wooden trays that I have an idea for. 

I wish that they'd had all of this when the kids were younger and wanted things for projects. These days there are so many fun little craft kids available.

Have you got a section like this in your local store? What are you finding useful? We left the store with only the cord we'd gone in for -- mostly because they'd stocked up on snacks the day before. 

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