It's been a stressful month or two, but if anything could make me feel better it's the fact that three of my favorite mystery authors all have new books available

Fiddling with Fate by Kathleen Ernst
After her mother's death, Chloe finds a box of antique needlework tucked in the back of a closet and begins to realize just how many unanswered questions she has. A last minute research trip to Norway gives her a chance to explore her mother's roots and the hope that she might find real details about who her ancestors were and explore the land where they once lived.
Once again, Kathleen Ernst had me holding my breath to see how events -- both in the 1980s and at the turn of the century -- would resolve themselves. She also had me hurrying off to
her blog, along with Google and Youtube, to get more information about the historical objects she describes in the book.
When I hear the word Hardanger, I think of the needlework. I'd never heard it connected with fiddles but once I started reading about the decorations and the music, I wanted to know more. I've had this same reaction to almost all of her books.

The Skeleton Stuffs a Stocking by Leigh Perry
When Georgia's dog escapes the house and comes home gnawing on what looks like a human femur, her first response is to apologize to her skeleton friend. But it's not Sid's leg. The bone came from an empty lot and the rest of the remains are still there.
I love reading about Sid and Georgia and the situations they get themselves into. Author Leigh Perry always manages to find new and interesting ways for the walking, talking skeleton to get out into the world and investigate murders. In this one, he's also up to the part of his skull that would hold his ears with online Christmas shopping while Georgia negotiates a potential strike at the college where she's currently working as an adjunct. This series just keeps getting more and more fun. The murder mystery in this one did get to me a bit because it's more emotional than just the usual "that nasty person we barely knew is dead now" that you see in so many cozies. It's a
good thing, but if you want to avoid sadness this one might not be the best choice to read on that particular day.
If quirky cozies are your thing, I can't recommend this series enough!
Joanna Campbell Slan also has a new Kiki Lowenstein book that just came out,
Grand, Death, Auto, but between the wedding and everything else I haven't carved out time to read it yet.
Disclosure -- The publisher provided me with an advance review copy. This post contains affiliate links.