Look at some of what came home from the guild meeting with me --

A woman came in at the beginning of the meeting, hoping to sell some of her sister's wool stash for fifty cents a skein, and the chapter president and a couple of other members told her that everyone had closets full of yarn and wouldn't be interested and suggested places she might donate it...while I sat there biting my tongue and hoping that my eight year old would speak up that
we don't have a closetful of yarn (even if that's only because there's not a closet available to keep it in) and were
very interested in talking to her. luckily she did stay until the end of the meeting.
I was hoping for something remotely appropriate to make diaper soakers and mittens out of. I wound up with thirty-seven skeins of jumper weight wool and sock yarn and I don't know what all else for $18.50. I know I'm on a yarn diet, but that was only so I would be able to do some shopping at the guild's yarn crawl next month. Really incredible yarn bargains that practically fall into my lap while I'm not even looking for them are an exception. Especially when it lets me add a lot of something I didn't already have to my stash.
I don't have my KnitPicks order in my hands yet, so
that dk weight wool doesn't count as "in my stash." I'm absolutely sure of it.
Alex and I are still disputing the ownership of this yarn, which I love almost enough to give in and trade her the GoodWill alpaca for. I've decided that it will all live in my stash, and after she's finished one of her projects and has another one in mind, I'll help her come up with the right yarn for it, either from my stash or a shopping trip.
As if that wasn't enough fun for one day, a woman at the meeting showed off the sweaters she'd made. Silk and cashmere in thinner than fingering weight yarn that she'd combined strands of. Seams that were only barely visible because you knew they had to be there. Gorgeous designs that she'd come up with herself. She pulled out this incredible skirt, then told us she hadn't had a blouse to wear with it, so she whipped up a matching sweater. And every last bit of it was unraveled Value Village sweaters she'd bought on Mondays with her senior citizen discount -- I really want to be that woman when I grow up!
And I'm such a good mommy I didn't even yell when Alex put her Snapple in my knitting bag without tightening the lid and it drizzled on both my WIPs -- not to mention some of the wool I'd just bought and a skein of Euroflax. If I'd done it myself, there would've been lots of unrepeatable language.