Sunday, January 20, 2019

Open a New Box (Daily)

This one was a kit I found at Goodwill the Halloween before last while the boys were looking for costumes. It didn't have a picture, but through the clear plastic I could see a packet of JABC buttons and those aren't cheap. I also don't use buttons often, but let's not quibble about silly things!  (For anyone who's curious, the buttons and chart are selling brand new for $15.92.)

As soon as I searched the pattern name online and saw that it was a box of crayons, I was pretty sure I wanted to stitch it. Then I saw the shop model up at Acorns and Threads and I absolutely knew. My purchase came with linen and all of the over-dyed flosses. Someone had stitched the tip of the blue crayon and I spent some time deciding whether or not to pick it out. In a perfect world, I want all the stitches to be mine (or something a friend did as part of a collaboration, or a vintage find, or who knows what else) but I worried  that the floss might leave color on the fabric underneath.

What I didn't do was double check my mystery stitcher's work. Turns out she made a mistake and I positioned my stitches based on her stitches....then made a ton of mistakes that were completely and totally my own. Happily, this isn't the sort of project that demands perfection and I was just trying to get the hang of stitching linen again.

The buttons must have slipped out of my project bag because they're not here right now. That's okay because I think I'm going to eventually stitch this piece into a bag for future projects. When the buttons turn up, I'll either add them to my stash or pass them along to another stitcher.

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