Monday, August 12, 2019


I've been comparing the pain from my recent dental work to a skinned knee ....but I really didn't need to confirm that by tripping over the feral-ish cat in the gravel driveway and doing a face plant into a new-to-me box of vintage china. I'm okay, the pretty plates are okay (and that was my first concern) and the cat is just annoyed that I didn't put down my box to scratch her back like my husband or the boys would have.

Now that we're done with vacation and I'm starting to feel more functional after the dental work, I'm scrambling to get things done before the schedule gets wild again. Saturday we were out all day, headed to the library and all of the grocery stores and to some quilt shops because the dates on the calendar keep rushing by and summer is almost over.

Friday I had a follow up visit with the oral surgeon and, after getting his permission to eat actual foods again, we headed down to the Scandinavian Festival for meat pies and aebleskivers. They always have demonstrations of bobbin lace and blacksmithing but I've never seen how wooden shoes are carved. Or thought about how it was done.  I'm absolutely fascinated by this!

To Do List

-- buy a dress for my daughter's wedding
-- find that missing library book I'm sure we returned, or convince the library they've got it
-- install the new modem
-- get to the Eugene quilt shops before Row by Row Experience ends for 2019
-- take pictures of that pretty china for a blog post

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