Early mornings do way more damage to Mommy's sanity than late knitting nights. And if they keep up, I'll be falling asleep two seconds after the kids and won't be able to have any more late knitting nights. I don't think I like this!
But he does make up for it by being so darn cute at the park. He scares the other mommies. I guess they look at him and see a baby half his age. Because they all need to get my attention and warn me that he's climbing.
I've been watching him do it for a couple of weeks now, and he's pretty darn good at it. If he wasn't at the park climbing everything in sight, I'm afraid to think what he'd be trying to climb at home.
I love the park.

Stash Dent Update
I'm not buying yarn until I use up 5000 grams of what I've already got. My vague plan was to use 500 grams of yarn a month. I've knitted up more than 1000 grams of yarn in the past thirty days, not counting at least 150 grams I had to frog. How did I do that?! I don't think I did an excessive amount of knitting. There were a few days I didn't even knit at all. I may be able to buy more yarn sooner than I expected.
That's good because I want to knit A Cardigan For Merry before Leif gets too big to wear it. The pattern calls for Knitpicks Andean Treasure. I'm not going to turn a toddler in a baby alpaca cardigan loose at the park. I've got some Wool-Ease sport that I could use, but I really did have other plans for that yarn. Knitpicks Telemark is the right gauge, I've been wanting to make a project with it, and they've got twelve brand new colors, all of them absolutely gorgeous...and while I was typing that, I realized that I do have some other nice sport weight acrylic in my stash. Dug it out and it's a prettier color than I remembered, but 100 yards less than I need for the cardigan.
So I'll be waiting for the Telemark.