Saturday, January 18, 2020

Needlework Masterpieces from Winterthur

I've been trying to be more selective when it comes to the needlework books at the thrift store because at three and four dollars piece, the expense adds up quickly. It's a great price for a book I really want, but I'm trying to pause and make sure that whatever treasure I just picked up really needs to come home with me.

It was half price day when I stumbled across Needlework Masterpieces from Winterthur.

I flipped through just enough to find these two pillows with ladies fishing in their finery. I'd never stumbled across the Boston fishing lady embroideries before. 

I think I also caught a glimpse of these little purses. The best part, a twining section of gold and black, is actually on the bottom of the large one.

And there's fruit. I don't know why that pineapple makes me want to stitch it, but I was already happy about the ladies and the purses and a dollar fifty for a hardback book full of gorgeous eye candy is definitely worth it, whether or not I ever make time to stitch any of the projects.

There's lots to be read in here, about the history of needlework and printed fabric and once I got home and looked up Winterthur I fell down a fun rabbit hole of videos about the estate itself.

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