Saturday, March 23, 2019

Embroidered Lettering

There is so much gorgeous embroidery on Pinterest and Instagram that it makes my head spin. I want to make all of those gorgeous things, but my needlework skills are pretty much limited to little Xs and outlines. Not that you can't do a lot of amazing things with little Xs and outlines... 

Embroidered Lettering by Debra Valencia is the book I didn't know I was looking for. It starts at the beginning, with what to stitch on and how to transfer the images and how to mount a project in a hoop and finish the back. There are clear instructions for the different stitches used. I think that someone who hadn't tackled needlework before could do a lot with this book. (It even reveals the mystery of how to embroider on the pocket of a pair of jeans!) 

The Painted Word by Caitlin Dundon will help you create collages with all of your favorite words and sayings. Detailed instructions and lots of photographs explain a wide range of different techniques using found or stamped or stenciled letters to. Whatever thought you want to get out onto
a piece of unique artwork, this will show you how to do it. (Although it's worth nothing that all of the projects are on flat surfaces.)

Disclosure -- The publisher provided me with an advance review copy. 

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