Monday, March 11, 2019

Adjusting My Plans

I had a plan for the next few weeks. It was going to be big and hard and I thought I could do it. Then I had the opportunity to add something really neat, which would make things harder to pull off, but maybe just maybe I could make both things work. If the first plan had to suffer a little bit to make the second plan happen, it would be okay. And it really did look like I might be able to manage them both along with all of the other stuff that's usually going on.

There was another little thing that I wanted to add because it was going to be fun and involved my stitching friends. It would take a few hours away from the time I had for that first plan...

Then life happened and sometimes all of the plans have to go out the window.

It also doesn't help when two feral cats who don't belong to you spend the day trying to kill each other outside your window. One cat has been around for more than a year and is nice. She'll jump in the open window and crawl in bed with you (which we discourage) The other cat has been skulking around for a couple of weeks and suddenly the two can not co-exist. We've already got a cat in the house who can't exist with the cat in the yard. I cannot deal with a third cat right now.

But I figured out what to do about plan number one which is going to make it all work. Not the way I originally thought it would, but I'll accomplish what I needed to.

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