Saturday, November 16, 2019

Embroidered Life the Art of Sarah K. Benning

The first thing that struck me about Embroidered Life: The Art of Sarah K. Benning was the fact that there's actual embroidery on the cover. It's machine stitching of course, but it adds to the gorgeous experience 

I've been following the artist on instagram for ages now and I love having her gorgeous embroidery in my feed. The book gives a deeper look into her creative processs and lots more close up pictures of her stitchery, making it possible to admire the individual stitches and even the backs of a few pieces.

Because the book is about her and not by her, there's a bit of distance and there are no patterns included, just a few descriptions of how she forms her stitches. It's fabulously inspirational eye candy.

If I have any complaints, it's that the cover invokes that whole "not your grandma's stitching" thing. This isn't that far removed from those vintage kits I collect.

Disclosure -- This post contains affiliate links. 

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