Saturday, April 27, 2019

I Stitched a Thing...

I'd been carrying around the pattern and fabric and floss in my project bag since January. Sometimes it seemed like the most appropriate thing I could possibly stitch. Some days things were going smoothly and I was happy with hedgehogs and snowy scenery. 

A week or so ago, I really needed to work on something that was simple and one color and didn't requite much concentration. So it got stitched. 

Pattern: Swearing Helps, a free download from Glowfall Love & Craft

There should have been a swag of flowers across the bottom, but leaving those off meant that it would fit the hoop that I'd recently used as a prop for something else so I left them off. They would have been pretty, but this piece represents a particular moment in time and on that morning flowers weren't a priority. 

I've got mixed feelings about what I've seen described as snarky stitching. Some captures me feelings almost perfectly, but I wouldn't hang it on my wall. This one is iffy, but it's going in the sewing room and I'm the only one who should be in the sewing room and I honestly don't worry about the entire world seeing it. It's tame enough. 

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