Mom and Grandma and I have been going to this one for at least thirty years. It's where we found our interesting hunk of lava last summer -- when we stopped on the way back from getting wax frames for the bees.
Even when I was a little girl, it's always felt like the roof of this place was going to fall in on us. But we've found some really neat stuff there. This time, the prices were stupidly high ($6.00 for a bag with half a dozen empty wooden spools?!) All I brought home was a handful of old children's books and two sheets for quilt backs. But it was still fun to revisit one of our favorite old haunts and prowl around the building looking for treasure.
The Thrift store prices are going through the roof here too. Goodwill has jacked up their prices to the point that it isn't worth my time to look at second hand items that are sometimes priced higher then new. It's a sad situation when you think that everything has been donated, and people are really in need of finding a bargain nowadays.
Yeppers the prices have gotten ridiculous here in Florida too. I use to shop the thrift stores all the time. But when you look at a paperback book that has the original price of $1.50 on it, and they have it priced at $2.95 and it smells and the pages are yellowed.......I don't think so. It is time to go back to hitting up the yard sales, at least most of them you can still find great prices.
With a Goodwill Store within walkiing distance, I've had to really resist the temptation this winter!! Like every place else, with the inflated prices you have to think twice and choose carefully, even at the thrift store!
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