Sunday, July 01, 2018

Mid Year Totals 2018

I started the year with a list of goals and I'm ahead on some, behind on others. I could catch up over the next six months...or not. With the progress I've already made, I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't mange the rest of it. 

The big goal was to knit a dozen shawls and I've already finished eight. Nine, if you count the one that isn't pictured here because it still needs to be blocked and have a bunch of ends woven in.  

I just assumed there would be pairs of socks. So far I'm at eight, all of them plain stockinette because I'm using them as mindless not-shawl knitting.

Cross-stitch is where I may have severely miscalculated. The goal, based on what I did last year, was to finish six moderately sized projects. I've spent most of the past six months stitching on A Little Girl's Fancy which it turns out is anything but moderate. And then I started Girl With Cosmos, which is considerably less involved.

I guess the littler projects will balance it out. And who knows...maybe I'll speed up my technique and finish the huge ones sooner than I expect to.

The museum a month plan is still in effect. We've only missed one month (and one of the boys had an entry at an art gallery, so maybe that exhibit sort of almost counts?) and slightly cheated another month with the zoo. Other than those two, it's all been real museums.

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