Monday, December 18, 2006

It's a good thing my Christmas knitting wasn't tightly scheduled because there's been very little knitting in my house for the past four days. There's also been a similar lack of light, heat, and running water. I'm still feeling cranky about the whole miserable episode, and thoroughly ticked off at certain people who told me to stop being so cranky. That's easy to for someone who isn't wrangling babies by firelight or hauling water up from the stream to flush the toilets with to say.

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The lasting damage isn't too bad, I guess. We lost a bunch of shingles and one thirty foot oak. If we absolutely had to lose one of the big trees, at least it was one that didn't land on the house or van or barn. But it still makes me sad that something so massive and beautiful can be pushed over by the wind. Between the wind and the idiots who look at big trees and see free firewood (I've got the ugly evidence of that on the far end of our property), it seems like a miracle that there are any trees left.


This is the project I was all excited about on Thursday night. I was going to write an entry about how easy it was to modify a baby sock pattern into the Christmas ormant I've had in my head since last year but never got to make. And how it's my project for the December Whodunknit? book.

My enthusiasm got lost in the dark and cold somewhere. But the copy of Victorian Lace Today I ordered is in and I should be able to pick it up tomorrow. That'll bring it back!


Rachel said...

What a lovely little sock you made!

I'm sooo sorry about the bad weather you've been suffering under, especially this close to Christmas. I hope things pick up for you soon!

Unknown said...

We've lost several trees over the year (fortunately, only one landed on the house . . . doing minimal damage). I know we had people lining up for the wood.

I really, really like the little stocking. Very nice job.

Unknown said...


We've lost several trees over the years (fortunately, only one landed on the house . . . doing minimal damage). With the weather lately, my DH was surprised that we haven't lost more. I know we had people lining up for the wood.

I really, really like the little stocking. Very nice job.

Mary Lynn

Unknown said...


We've lost several trees over the years (fortunately, only one landed on the house . . . doing minimal damage). With the weather lately, my DH was surprised that we haven't lost more. I know we had people lining up for the wood.

I really, really like the little stocking. Very nice job.

Mary Lynn

Holly Burnham said...

Michelle....I'm so sorry. We are all so frantic at this time of year to lose power.....oh my gosh....I can't even imagine.


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