Sunday, December 10, 2006

I got those seams sewn and the ends woven in and it feels really good to have those projects completely done. I've got one more pair of mittens that have to be done before Christmas, and then I can forget all about the calendar, at least as far as my knitting is concerned.

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The fluffy scarves and fingerless mittens are for my new nieces. It's my own pattern, which I came up with after realizing that since I had something so specific in mind I could make it up myself faster than waiting for a bunch of online patterns to download while I searched for the right one.

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The ballband warshrags are for Dad, who I hear has been buying dishcloths at the craft co-op down in Arizona.

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And these are for my Grandmother, who spends a lot of time in her drafty antique mall or searching auctions and estate sales for furniture. I'll be knitting a pair for myself soon.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Oh your lucky nieces! I love the fluffy scarves and mitts - Is it the scarf pattern you made up or the fingerless mitt pattern....or BOTH? I'm just to the point where I occassionally venture out and risk knitting something without following a pattern EXACTLY as written, but not very often!


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