Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Dimensions Stitch Along

If you've been reading my blog for long, you know that I have a love/hate relationship with needlework kits. I love collecting them, especially if they're dirt cheap at a thrift shop or estate sale. I love planning to stitch them. But when it comes to sorting the floss and actually getting started, my fears kick in. What if I use the wrong color? What if I run out of floss? What if I mess it up? 

Those fears aren't completely far fetched. I've used the wrong floss...and run out of floss...and messed up at least three kits so badly that I had to abandon them. I've also improved my stitching and learned some new tricks since then. I'm better at checking colors and counting my stitches and cotton floss can be substituted easily enough. 

My friend Amy (you can find her on Instagram or Youtube)  loves these Dimensions Gold Collections kits as much as I do, so we're motivating each other to get some of the kits in our stash started and finished. 

Want to join us? Any Dimensions kit counts. You can start something new or pick up an old project. Just share your pictures on Instagram with the #dimensionssal hashtag. Or if you're not on Instagram, you're welcome to send pictures to me and I'll share them here. 

I started All is Calm this morning and made a lot of progress. Everything I've stitched so far is half-stitches so I'm making fast progress, even if threading my needle with four strands of floss is a challenge. They're also all blended colors. But I'm absolutely loving it so far! 

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