Saturday, November 04, 2017

{Thrift Store Temptations} Do I Have to Care What a Cornucopia Is?

I do actually know what a cornucopia is, but the  woman standing next to us at the thrift shop last week apparently wasn't satisfied with the answer I gave my son and launched into a mini-lecture about symbols of the bountiful harvest.

My own explanation was more along the lines of "It's a basket for Thanksgiving and yes it does look like a plague mask if you hold it like that, but we're not buying it." I spend so much of my time either answering questions or helping to look up the answers that I think I can be forgiven for not being excited about thrift shop baskets at that exact second.

This week's reminder that I want to  learn to crochet so I can make a pretty afghan...

Possibly the first time that I've ever seen vintage sheets in their original packaging. I've got enough in my stash already, so I left that for someone else to find and love.

And I'm weirdly fascinated by this ugly little hutch...

Why are the chicken and rooster walking away from each other? Why does the chicken look so mad?

I'm sure someone with the right skills could repaint this piece and replace the plastic and make it absolutely adorable, but at the price they're asking I'm afraid that won't happen.

Also puzzling was this old cash register, which I think is the oldest I've ever seen...

I hope it finds a good home, and quickly. It doesn't seem like something that should be sitting out for everyone to poke at. (And believe me, it was tempting to try those levers to see how it  worked!)

How about you? Are you excited about cornucopias, beyond knowing what their name is? Find anything great at your local shops this week?


Unknown said...

I LOVE the plague mask comment. Smart kid! You have a lot of unique things in your thrift shop. I wonder what the clothes are like!

Jamie said...

I love old stuff. I’m screaming in my head about walking past the vintage sheets! That had to take some strong will power no matter how many you have!!! And, I think I would have described a cornucopia about the same lol This has me laughing- I love the ugly hutch too. But oh so much work to make it...less ugly 😳


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