Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Movie Night

Saturday night, Teenage Daughter and I rented a movie. It was one that we've both been wanting to see... and it was a definite reminder that when you pick a movie based on a neat title and poster image, sometimes you wind up watching Sharknado. 

As Above, So Below was worse. About twenty minutes in, my attention shifted from the movie to the embroidery and I sewed along to my daughter's disbelieving critique. 

 There were cultists, and a broken piano from one character's childhood, and a burning car....all in the catacombs beneath Paris.  Oh, and a magic rock that sometimes healed characters and sometimes didn't. (We read the Wikipedia article -- apparently the whole point of the movie was that they were looking for the philosopher's stone.)

I did get two new squares for the Garden Party quilt, and my daughter and I had fun picking the movie apart, so it wasn't a total loss.


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Yep, we've learned, too, not to rent an unknown movie without checking into the story line. Our experience involved an interesting title and well-known actors ... we don't remember the name of the movie, but we laugh about our experience to this day.

Sew Much For Free Time said...

My tween girls and I sat happily on the couch watching Grease on Saturday night. I was binding some mug rugs. It was wonderful. Then, Grease 2 came on. Ummmmm. No. One was enough!!! Enjoyed your post today. Love being reminded of the little reasons to smile!

Sew Much For Free Time said...

My tween girls and I sat happily on the couch watching Grease on Saturday night. I was binding some mug rugs. It was wonderful. Then, Grease 2 came on. Ummmmm. No. One was enough!!! Enjoyed your post today. Love being reminded of the little reasons to smile!

CathieJ said...

I love the embroidery. Bad movie or not, at least you had a good night with your daughter.


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