Quilting Gallery is celebrating its fourth birthday with a blog hop of quilty giveaways, which sounded way too much fun to miss out on.
If you haven't been by my blog before, I'm Michelle. I'm a stay at home mom to four kids and when I'm not homeschooling or running around with my family, I'm usually making scrap quilts. Sometimes knitting, but quilting is my main obsession these days. I love traditional quilts and the more different fabrics I can fit into one project the happier I am.
I've only been quilting a few years, but I'm fortunate to have a fantastic fabric stash thanks to my grandmother who, until recently, owned an antique mall. While she was looking for furniture and vintage treasures to resell, she was also keeping her eye open for fabric for me. Now that the antique mall has a new owner, she still hasn't stopped looking for furniture or fabric. I sew with whatever I can get my hands on and have an absolute blast doing it.
Now for my giveaway -- I'm giving away a Companion Angle ruler and an Easy Angle ruler.
I've had an Easy Angle of my own for a while, but never took it out of the packaging until the Orca Bay quilt along started. In the past two and a half weeks, I've used them to make hourglass units, and half square triangles for Orca Bay, and flying geese units for my own Strawberry Stars quilt.
I can't tell you how excited I am about these rulers! My biggest problem with triangles has always been that pesky 7/8" measurement. I can handle the bias edges, but it's that measuring that I go out of my way to avoid. With these rulers, I can cut triangles from the same strips I'm already using for squares. They're going to be great for projects where I only need a few triangles of each color.
To enter, just be a follower of my blog and leave a comment on this post before midnight, December 18. I'll draw a winner and send them off. Please make sure that you're not a no-reply blogger so I have a way to contact you if you are the winner.
You lucky girl to have a grandma who's on the look out for you! Would love to try the rulers! Triangles always intimidate me. Thanks for a chance!
I follow you and have ONE of the rulers but not the last one she mentioned in clue #3....
I would love to try anything that makes triangles easier. I really enjoy your blog. Cherie - bcvidovich@frontier.com
oh, I've been wanting to try those rulers for a while now. Great giveaway, thank you!
I've never tried either of these rulers!
I'm a follower!
Would love to try the rulers! Triangles always intimidate me. Thanks for a chance!
I prefer to not think of myself as a gadget junkie, but rather the person who has all the right tools to do the job right. Thanks for the chance to win the right tools.
I am a follower and would love to be able to make HST without frustration. Thank you for the giveaway.
The only rulers I own are rectangular so these rulers would should come in handy!
Oh how I would love to borrow you grandmother!!! Lucky you!!! Following your blog and would like to be in on the give away
I would love to try these rulers! Follow via RSS.
I am a follower. Like all quilters I believe that there is no such thing as too many rulers and any that make HST's easier just need to be owned.
I've never tried either of these rulers. Great giveaway.
I would love to try either of these fab rulers. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.
I don't have these rulers so would love to win them
I am a follower and would love to be entered in your drawing for the rulers. Having the right tools makes quilting much easier.
Linda in Southern Illinois
I'm a new follower. Thank you for a chance to win one of these rulers. :-)
I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am a new follower.
Thank you for a chance to win!
I am a new follower, it is nice too meet you and I have never heard of the 2nd ruler?! Would love a chance to use it! Thank you for a wonderful visit to your blog.
Hmmm...rulers I don't yet own. That would be fun.
I've heard alot about these rulers & would love to win. I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway.
Am a new follower, and love using all kinds of different rulers in my quilts.
I am a new follower. Would love to have such a ruler!
Squares, I can do.. triangles.. not so much.. These would be AWESOME! I don't know why I havn't bought one before... Maybe the unfinished quilts waiting for me.. but you know.. I still have many more quilts waiting calling to me.. sew me.. make me..
I am a new follower :) I see your scrappy pinwheels in the side bar... what a fantastic idea!!
New follower here from Eugene, Oregon. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Great giveaway! A quilter can never have enough tools.
New follower and you definately have a great grandmother!
I love your Strawberry Stars. It is really pretty.
I have just started to use these rulers too and because of Orca Bay,
I just recently bought a book that uses these rulers, as a new quilter I need everything, didn't have a clue how they worked until I read through the book...they are on my Christmas list!
...signed up to follow you!
I have become a new follower. I put off doing triangles because of the pesky fiddling around! Sounds like I am not the only one!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I am a new follower and I love awesome little tools like this! Thank you for the opportunity to win :)
I would love one of these rulers!
I am a follower
I've been hearing a lot about these rulers and would LOVE to try them. Thank you for your generous giveaway -- I'm a new follower.
I'm following you and those rulers would be awesome. Come over and visit World of Charity Stitching. We are also doing the Blog Hop Party.
I am a new follower. Maybe these would help me with some accuracy issues!
I'm a new follower.
How fun to have someone looking out for fabric for you! I have been enjoying Thrift Store Finds, myself. I have heard of these rulers, so it would be fun to try them.
I'm a follower :) I've never tried either of those rulers, so thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower...and would love to try these rulers - they look to be so straight-forward and simple! Love it! Thanks so much for the chance :-)
New follower.
Thx for the chance to win ^^v
I would love to try these new rulers
I am a new follower.
I'm a new follower :) a ruler that makes triangles easier sounds fabulous to me!
I'm a new follower and would love to enter your giveaway - these rulers seem just what I need! thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I am a new follower! I would love to have the easy angle. I love my rulers! The Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild had a special evening on "Rulermania." Such fun!
lover rulers - could always use more.
I love trying rulers, and if it does away with the dreaded 7/8...!
I'm a follower.
I'd love to try these rulers. Thanks for the give away.
Hi! I am a new follower. :) Those rulers sound great and I need all the help I can get. LOL.
Merry Xmas from Sandy. :)
Wow, any tool that would make angles easier would be welcomed with me!
Looks like a great ruler.
Thank you,
I am a new follower! Thank you for the chance to win. I have been looking into buying a ruler like these. :)
I have been wanting to try these rulers for a while. I have a quilt kit I picked up in Amsterdam that requires dozens of half square triangle. I think these would be perfect for that.
I am a new follower and would love to try those rulers. SOme of my friends have those and they say how easy it is to make their quilts. One of these days I will have to try them.
Just signed up so you have one more follower!
I'm a new follower. You're blog has been on my Quilt Blog for a while, I didn't know I hadn't signed up as a follower already until I checked to make sure I was eligible for the prize.
I'm a new follower. Thank you for a chance to win!
I am a new follower. I'm beginning to wonder if Santa is sharing my wish list with you guys on this blog hop! I've seen almost every item listed as a giveaway on one site or another!! :-) These two rulers are right up at the top of my list-- I *NEED* them! ;-) Thank you so much for the chance to win! :)
Great giveaway Michelle....don't pick me. I already have the rulers and live by them.
What a wonderful giveaway! I'm a follower, thanks!
I used to think all I needed was a straight edge but then I started buying a few speciality rulers and they have convinced me that I can always do better with another. I don't have one of these. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hello! Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a new follower! Happy Holidays! :)
I am a follower now... It is so great so see that you are doing the Orca mystery also. I still have 15 more blocks of step 4 to finish but it has been fun so far...
Lucky you! I wish I had someone finding fabric for me! :) I'd love to win some rulers...all I have is a square & rectangle ruler. I'm a new follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Just like triangles, the best way to approach any problem is with the try-angle.
I'd love to try both of the rulers. Anything to make quilting easier is right up my ally. Thanks
new follower here
I've been doing hsts the old fashioned way .... but would love to move away from the dreaded 7/8 measurement with these rulers. I'm a follower and read your blog faithfully.
Great giveaway, I've wanted both of these for a while!
Thanks for sharing! I actually don't have these rulers. Happy sewing!
I am a follower! I don't have either of these rulers and could provide a home for them no problems!! Thanks for the chance, Dianne
following and hopeful
Wonderful prize. I am a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'm a new follower and look forward to the after pic of the puppy. Tamsyn
I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
Would love to win the rulers. I think they would make piecing much easier Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
I am a follower too...
I would love to give these a try anything I can find to help my quilting go easier is a plus for me...
Thank you for the lovely giveaway. I'm a follower- kylie c.
I'm a new follower, thanks.
Am now a follower - thanks for the great giveaway - one can never have enough helpful tools!
new follower.
I am also fairly new to quilting and would love to try these rulers. Thank you!
Those rulers sound awesome. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful Grandmother to help you with your fabric stach. Thank you for the giveaway. I am a new follower
I am a new follower and love your blog. Please enter me.
I'm a follower and would love a chance to win those rulers. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
im a new follower, thanks for the giveaway
I'm a new follower. I have one of these rulers but not the other. They are awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am a new follower and thanks for the opportunity to win the rulers! I am also working on those cute red strings!!
These rulers are fantastic! I would love to win this giveaway. I'm a new follower...thanks for the chance!
What a great give-away! I would love to win! Love your Strawberry Stars quilt. Happy quilting!
I love to quilt... and these are some of the rulers I do not own, but have been wishing for. I love your blog! Lots of inspiration!!!
This is funny. I do the Orcabay as well and borred an Easy angel ruler from a friend. I really like it. It wouldt be nice to win. Katja
I have been looking at these rulers, but don't have them yet. I am with you on the 7/8 thing, math not my thing.
I've just found your blog and thoroughly enjoyed reading the crosstitch, knitting, etc. route to quilting --- I have made the same "road trip" --- and still have many patterns, floss, yarn etc. --- but the fabric stash far surpasses them!
I am going to make Orca Bay, but over 200 pieces kills me and I dont thin I can do them. These rulers would make this project seem manageable, and allow me to make this presently overwhelming task. I'm a follower
I am following via RSS. I have neither of these rulers and could definitely use them. Thanks so much for your kind offer!
Just joined as follower. Would love to have the rulers. I'm a beginner quilter and doing the Orca Bay mystery also.. I. Do have the easy Angle but not the Companion. If I won I would share the other easy with a friend!
Hi, I ask Santa for both of those how cool that I would run into you and this giveaway. I hope I win and Happy Holiday to You and Yours.
I would love to win any of these rulers--as I don,t own either of them yet. Thank you for the offer to win one .
Love to win those rulers, as we don't have them in the Netherlands.
Greetings Dini
I'm a follower and would love to win these rulers! Thanks for the chance
Never tried these rulers, would love to try them...Great giveaway..would love to win, thanks for the chance...
Would love to win the rulers...cuz I have so much trouble with triangles, etc. Thanks for the giveaway; I just started following your blog!
I am too involved at the moment to start Orca Bay, but I am printing and saving the directions for later. I'd like to keep these rulers with those directions! Thanks for offering them.
I was going to start following your blog, but don't see a way to do it by email, which is my preferred method.
I would sure like to win the rullers. I woule just love to get started on Orca Bay quilt soon.
So, you are making the Orca Bay quilt and really love these rulers. What a great gift to receive. Thank you for your tutorials. I enjoy them. I find these very useful and very educational. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and I am enjoying the blog. I see a lot of new friends and bloggers for the next year.
Sandi T.
I am a new follower. I would be interested in giving this ruler a try. So far, I just have basic straight rulers and squares...nothing for angles.
Thanks for participating in the blog hop!
I'm fond of rulers ... and quilting objects in fact !
Happy to enter your giveaway
Very nice rulers. I don't have any angle ones, so they would be fun to have. Right now it's just hope for the best and cut away. Thanks for the giveaway!
GREETINGS from Hungary. Thanks for playing!
Unfortunately we can not take many ruler.
Sure could use those rulers. I have to cut things really big and then cut them all down to the right size after sewing. I am wasting a lot of fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.
I will be following you, too.
I would love to give the rulers a try! I have just signed up for GFC to follow your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!
Those rulers look wonderful and I would love to win them. Your quilts are beautiful.
Happy Holidays
I'm a follower-would love to win those rulers.
I'm a follower, and I can always use another ruler!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Kelly (at) mysimplewalk (dot) com
I love rulers, can not have enough variety to choose from to use from. EZ's are not one's I have though,would be nice
Love new tools! Thanks for the offer.
I am thrilled to get the chance at more rulers/tools. Would love to give these a try. I am a new follower. Thanks
I follow you now.
Thanks for the generous giveaway and a chance to win!
New follower :D
Thanks for the chance!
It's great to hear how much you like those rulers and as I don't have them I'd like to try them out. Thanks for sharing.
I am a follower
I just stated quilting 3 years ago and I do not have much in the way of rulers. I would love to own these
I have been quilting for many years - off and on... a few years ago I was introduced to the rotary cutter and now I have a long list of "to do's".
You have some lovely quilts on your blog - A+ good job ;D
Thank you for the chance to win :)
I hope you and yours have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
remember the reason for the season.
Cathy Byrd
I would love to try these rulers, thank-you!
What a nice giveaway!! And I'm a follower, too!!! :)
Thanks for the chance . You have a great blog. I plan on checking out older entries.
Laurie in Utah
Thanks for such a generous give-a-way...would love to try these. Happy Holidays.
I'm a follower!!! You inspire me
Audrey, Markham
I'm a follower! I'd love to try these rulers--have heard a lot about them. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to have these rulers to use up all my jelly rolls!
I'd love to start the Orca Bay quilt and try out these rulers!
I'm a follower.
I'd love to try those rulers. I never had the chance to do it yet and they seem great.
These look like they could be my next "go to" rulers. Thank you for your time in participating in the blog hop! Happy holidays from northern Maryland.
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