I've got actual time to spend at the sewing machine today, so I'm working on green Trip Around the World blocks for Quinn's quilt. I think I've finally got the hang of these. At first, I'd separate the strips in the wrong spot and have to sew them back together and figure out where I should have ripped the seam in the first place. Now I'm better at seeing what I'm supposed to be doing.
It's not hard at all, there was just something I wasn't seeing that finally clicked into place. I really want to make a multicolored one. I'm thinking of starting to cut and save 2" strips -- just look at this one with the green border that Bonnie posted. Isn't that gorgeous?
I'm also cutting triangles to make a scrappy Swoon block large enough for a baby quilt. I've been wondering how that would look ever since I bought the pattern -- and of course lots of other quilters have tried it. Take a look at these scrappy Swoon blocks over at A Quilter's Table.
There's so much fun stuff I'd like to get started on. Time to start thinking of my first NewFO!
Mmmmm...your green blocks are so fun. I am thinking I need more green in my stash and then I need to play with them! Perhaps something off my NewFO list! :)
I love the strip piece technique for making Trip Around the World. It is one of my favorite all time patterns.
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