I'm packing up my sewing corner for the next couple of weeks, so now is as good a time as any to part with my bestest toy. Now -- how do I pack up fifteen dies for travel? I've got a die storage rack (found it on clearance when Joann's was moving stores) and that's hand for keeping dies close while I'm using them, but right now I need something I can put in the back of the car.
This is perfect! I think it's the Sterilite Flip Lid File Box. Lengthwise, it's good for the 10x10 dies. And the short side is perfect for the smaller dies.
I've got thirteen dies in this box and it's heavy, but not more than I can lug around. Probably not more than the cutter itself weighs. I left out one die because it didn't seem like a good idea to wedge them in too tightly.
I think I want to buy a second box so I'll have one for each die size. Because we know I'm going to add more dies to my collection.
What a great idea, Michelle! Currently, I'm using the box that my Go! Cutter came in. It's perfect for keeping my dies in. Of course, I don't have as many as you yet! :)
For storage at my house, I'm using a rack that I originally bought for the kitchen to organize baking sheets- I laid it on it's side so the metal dividers are horizontal, and I stack my dies on it with the label to the front - so I can immediately see which die I want. I've got six dies on it right now and room for probably another half dozen.... it works great!!
Great idea Michelle....Right now, I never transport mine. I have a cupboard that they all stack in. Are you anticipating any new dies?? I am guessing they will be out with more dies in the fall.
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