Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sorting Floss

Want to guess how many colors I'm missing? 

I don't. Whatever I don't have, it's going to be the one floss number I need to finish a project. Last year I started Stitch Maynia with a full set of DMC and a lot of duplicate skeins. Since then, I've been pulling floss for projects and then raiding those projects for other projects...who knows what I've got now.

The plan is to get it all sorted out and in order before Maynia starts on May first. While I'm doing that, I can pull leftover floss and patterns from project bags and free them up for new starts.

I'm guessing I'll be short twenty-five colors....I'll let you know what it turns out to be!

1 comment:

Elle said...

I so can relate. Decades ago, I started buying those floss boxes with cards. I have 3.5 boxes of floss. As I saved the cash, I moved my way to that finish line.

Have fun with it!


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