Friday, April 10, 2020

Let's Make Baby Quilts! {4/10/20}

Because so many weeks have passed with no links at all, I'm going to try switching this to a monthly linky party posted on the first Friday of each month. The plan has always been to get back to sewing baby quilts myself, but that plan has been going nowhere fast and with the world the way it is right now, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  

You'll always be able to find the current month's linky party by clicking on the tab at the top of the page. When things start picking back up, I'll increase the party frequency again. 

Thanks to everyone who's been participating, even when I haven't had the time and energy to do it myself! 

Let's Make Baby Quilts Linky Party Rules: 
Link directly to your post or specific Flickr photo. Your post can be about a baby quilt that's finished, or in progress, or you can be writing about what you have planned,  as long as it's about baby quilts. You're welcome to link to baby quilt posts that aren't brand new, but please don't submit the same post or picture more than once. I'd love it if you linked back to my site, either with a text link or the Let's Make Baby Quilts! button.

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