I cannot get a decent picture of this project. The flash keeps making the yarn shiner than it looks in real life and it's too wet and muddy to drag it out to the yard. Just trust me -- it's pretty and squishy and lacy and it's going to be wonderful to wrap up in!
My youngest son asked me who Lizzie Borden was and, being the good mommy that I am, I taught him the rhyme. A few days later, there was a documentary on the history channel and he learned that a hundred years ago, the police weren't able to use fingerprints or DNA. When I saw The Borden Murders: Lizzie Borden and the Trial of the Century, a new children's book, I decided to see if it would explain things any better. After reading it, I know a lot more about the murders and trial than I did before. The publisher recommends this book for ages ten and up, but I don't think my own boys are quite ready for it. They could probably handle the description of the investigator who "boiled Mr. and Mrs. Borden's heads like soup bones until the flesh - their very faces - dropped off," but I don't think they'd understand the pail of bloody rags in the cellar, or that they'd have the patience for the lengthy trial. The author does a great job of explaining what's known about the murders and uses sidebars to explain things like the odd layout of the Borden home, the difference between slop buckets and chamber pots, and other historical details that would otherwise puzzle young (and adult) readers.
Not long after I finished that book, I got the opportunity to read an advance copy of The Secrets of Lizzie Borden
This post is linked to Patchwork Times, Yarn Along, and iknead2knit.
I struggle to take good pictures of yarn/knitting too! The color rarely comes good for me. You'll have to photograph yourself wearing it when it is finished!
Can't wait to see the finished wrap!
I am forever getting caught not paying attention to what's on the tv, but I'm ok with that, as I still get credit for time with the hubby even if I don't know the score of the game!
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