Sunday, August 06, 2006

I've been wanting a huge garter stitch or stockinette thing, a project that's always there waiting for me to pick it up and knit another few rows, no matter how my other projects are going or how loud the kids are or what kind of mood I'm in. No counting, no shaping, just lots and lots of knitting.

The ball band dishcloths are great, but they only take two or three hours and then I've got to pick new colors and cast on a new one. Too much thinking and counting involved, even if it is only 40 stitches at a time.

This is starting to seem like the perfect project:

blog 028

Sure, there's a lot of binding and off and picking up stitches, but I don't have to count them. I've got a vague plan and a laundry basket full of cheap acrylic in colors that thrill me.

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