Nameless Things by Ernest Jensen
A meteor strike triggers a landslide, blocking the trails leading into a volcanic caldera and trapping everyone who was hiking in the park at the time...but that's just the beginning. This is an entertaining creature feature that explores what might happen when a bunch of strangers are isolated with an unknown threat and limited supplies. I did find myself losing track of which characters were still alive (the numerous dream sequences didn't help with that.)
The Socialite's Guide to Sleuthing and Secrets by S. K. Golden
After some initial confusion about what decade the book was set in (that cover looks Art Deco to me and there was a diamond tiara, so I jumped to a wrong conclusion until a couple of references had me check the book's description) I really enjoyed this book. Evelyn is an intriguing protagonist and even though I haven't yet read the first two books in the series there's just enough backstory for me not to feel completely lost. The Pinnacle Hotel is an fun setting and the mystery itself invovles an early multi level marketing company.
Disclosure -- The publishers provided me with advance review copies.
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