Thursday, June 17, 2021

{I've Been Reading} Tell Me When You Feel Something



This one starts with a tragedy and then reveals the events that led up to the night of  the party. Viv and her friends work at the local med school as simulated patients. Before each shift, they study scripts and are made as if they have different diseases or injuries. Under all of that makeup, Viv is concealing real symptoms and hurtling towards the night where she'll overdose at a party. There's video of Viv swallowing the pill, along with a roomful of witnesses. But no one has any idea where she got the drugs or if her overdose was deliberate. After a slow start, this one really picks up speed and by the end I was filled with mounting dread. 

1 comment:

Mystica said...

I doubt I will be comfortable reading this. Sounds like an unusual read. Thank you for the review.


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