I probably shouldn't have shortened it, but so many of the shawls I've made have been way too long that it seemed like a good idea at the time. And I'm not ripping out all of those short rows now. It'll probably grow when I block it. Or it'll make a nice decoration for the back of my rocking chair.
I'm so in love with lace right now. The lace I'm knitting...the lace I want to be knitting...the pretty lace I'm drooling over on Ravelry that I'll never knit because it's in some obscure out of print publication in a language I don't read...
I am printing out all sorts of shawl patterns in languages I don't read, but that's different.
And I should find some file folders and make sure I'm getting all of the clues from the KALs printed out and in order...
But right now I'm going to make a batch of French Toast and then see how many of those 67 rows I can get done before I have to go to bed.
Your shawl is lovely! The color shows well. Please post a victory picture when you've got it off the needles!
It looks really nice! Good luck getting it done and off the needles!
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