I used to worry about my sock yarn. I loved it, but I was scared that I'd never learn to knit on dpns, would never figure out how to turn a heel, would never figure out my gauge well enough to make a sock that fit my own foot, wouldn't be able to join my stitches into a circle without twisting them.... What if I could never figure it out? What if that yarn just sat there in my stash forever and got eaten by moths? I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more sock yarn until I could knit socks, but it was so pretty I bought more anyway. I tried to think of other things I could make with my sock yarn -- just in case socks really were too hard. And I bought more sock yarn.
I still haven't conquered the gauge problem and still worry about twisting my stitches, but I can knit toe up socks that fit. I even did one of the patterns from Socks Socks Socks the way it's written and
it fits!
So I spent my Christmas money on 32 skeins of sock yarn from Knitpicks.

I don't feel the slightest twinge of fear or guilt, even though there's now enough sock yarn in my stash to make myself thirty pairs of socks. Not counting the single skeins of yarn I bought to make socks for the kids. Or the odds and ends from garage sales. I don't know when I'll have time to make all of those socks, and it doesn't matter. I've got plenty of yarn, two great new sock books, a huge stack of sock patterns I've printed off the internet. And a whole bunch of yarn that isn't sock yarn. It may not even matter if this stupid yarn diet/famine goes on for another year.
Oh, and Leif's hat fits!