Sunday, March 06, 2005

Should've bought some of the red and black suede...

Berroco Suede is fun to knit with. It feels neat and looks neat and I'm going to be sad when mine is all used up, even though I don't have any idea what I'd do with it beside the Ugg booties and matching hat that I bought it for in the first place.

The hat's almost done except for the flaps and finishing, which made no sense at all when I was trying to figure it out at 1am. I should give it another try tonight so I can free up that set of needles for the next project I want to tackle.

Okay, one of the dozen or so "next projects!" It's a good thing to have patterns and yarn and ideas for more things than I ever expect to finish. Especially when it's nice, cooperative yarn, that doesn't mind what it winds ending up as.

That yarn I bought for the Tri-Aran-Angle? Now it's thinking of becoming a Raspberry Wrap. I've got my measurements. I've got Barbara Walker's Treasury of Knitting Patterns from the library so I can look up the ribbing in the middle. Now I've got to swatch and do math and that's where I always go astray and look for the easy way out.

Besotted is all done, and I need another big rectangle to pick up and work on when there's stuff going on around me. I'm going to have to swatch this time.

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