Saturday, August 25, 2012

back to school blog hop and giveaway

We're a homeschooling family and learning pretty much year round, so we don't get excited about back to school. I don't even know when the official school year starts or ends...

But I do notice when school supplies go on sale. There are plenty of fun things for quilters to stock up on while they're cheap.

Here's my shopping list --

Cases of spiral bound notebooks. Or is that just me?

Boxes of Crayola crayons for playing with crayon tinted applique

Colored Pencils and Graph Paper for sketching out project ideas. Those composition books even come in a graph paper version. I bought one of those a few years back and used it once or twice before hiding it from the kids.

Frixion pens for making marks that will vanish with a hot iron

And for keeping all of your back to school treasures in, I've designed a Treasure Chest Snap Bag.

The pattern is free for everyone here, and for the bog hop party I'm giving away one kit with pre-cut fabrics (the die cut for the lock and the brown strips), the batting and fabric for the lining. I used a hunk of old bed sheet for my own bag, so I'll be substituting a fat quarter of 100% cotton for the winner.

To enter, be a follower of my blog and leave a comment on this post before 11:59pm September 8, 2012. I'll use the random number generator and choose a winner. And yes, I will ship internationally.

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways


Mommarock said...

Oh that looks awesome! I think I need to stock up on some of those supplies you mentioned, even though I was being careful what to buy early for my son's school supplies. I knew that he would come home from school with a whole new list once school actually started.

Kathy S. said...

Thanks for the chance to win your cute kit! Happy blog hopping.

Needled Mom said...

I like your type of school shopping!!!! I am one of your followers.

Rosa said...

It`s very nice and thanks for the chance to win it!

krisgray said...

I need to do a little more "school" shopping as well - some glue, more notebooks, a few binders... I am a happy follower - thanks for the cute giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

We were a homeschooling family too, and I remember the fun of back to school shopping. I am a follower :-)

Denise :) said...

I taught in private school -- it felt like I was homeschooling 25 kids (we used self-paced curriculum, so I didn't actually stand in front of the class and "teach") and both of my children did their high school years with me as their teacher. James's senior year, we both came home and I homeschooled. We enjoyed it immensely! I kinda miss those days. Guess I'll relive them vicariously through the grands! :)

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said...

What a gorgeous idea :) I have two pirate mad children (they love Captain Jack Sparrow) who would love a treasure chest of their own!

hueisei said...

I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

JoyceLM said...

I'm a follower - receiving posts by email. Thanks for the giveaway.

barbara woods said...

i am a follower by e-mail thanks

Bri said...

Neat bag! I am a follower....

Katherine said...

Thank you for the chance! I am a follower!

Kathy MacKie said...

I'm a follower and thanks for the useful and fun giveaway.

Patty said...

Nice bag! Thanks for a chance to win! I am a follower.

yorkie mom said...

Adorable. Thanks for a chance.

Gill said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a happy follower!

Mystica said...

I follow you on GFC. Thanks for a pretty giveaway.

Lori said...

Love your blog. I've been following it for quite a while.

ThreadCatcher said...

I've been following for awhile now. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

Michell said...

Thanks for the giveaway

LethargicLass said...

I am a follower :) What a fun pattern! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle G said...

I just became a follower. Thanks!

Lyn said...

I am a new follower in G Reader. Nice giveaway!!! Thanks

Margaret said...

I have been a follower for a while. Thanks for the give away.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Pensei que só eu fazia estas compras fantásticas,sempre tive mais material escolar que minhas três filhas juntas,claro que #emprestava#para elas quando havia

Lynn M said...

Thanks for the chance, I'm a follower

Kelly Grace said...

Follow via RSS. I'd love to make this for my son's toys.

Mary said...

I have been a follower for a while now. Very cute! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Timestep said...

I was wondering about your experience with the Frixion pens. I've been hesitant to use them on anything with the exception of practice blocks.

My girls and I discovered that when you write with the pens, iron the paper or fabric, and then put them in the freezer the image comes back.

I haven't tried washing it, so I'm not sure if the laundry gets the marks out.

What is your experience?

Carla G said...

That sounds like a great back to school shopping list!! And I love the bag! Thanks for a chance to win! I'm already a follower! :)

Marit Johanne said...

thanks for the chance to win, I love those colors!

Karen said...

Great colors and a fun design. I'm a new follower.

PJ said...

I've been following your blog for a long time. What a cute bag, I'd love to in it.

joyce said...

I am a follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

Michelle C said...

I'm a follower....and I know a short pirate who could use more spaces to store stuff away from her sister.

OhioLori said...

I'm a Follower! :) This is the cutest bag!! Would sure "hide" my fave notebooks & (Glitter) pens in it! lol

thanks for chance to win! :)

KaHolly said...

How very clever!! It's adorable. I am a follower, too.

Kathy H said...

I am a follower. I enjoy making snap bags but never thought of making a treasure chest. Such a great idea.

Allie said...

LOL we homeschooled too, and I never could keep track of what the ps kids were doing! We just did school all year long. GREAT fun. I love the sales too. The only thing I noticed missing on your list was glue sticks - I use them for quilting, they wash right out!

GREAT giveaway, but don't enter me, I love the bag but I'll never get to make it!

Homemaker Honey said...

G'Day from Australia! Such a clever snap bag. I'm following your blog via email.

homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Darlington Delights said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I'm a new follower and looking forward to your great posts.

gibberish said...

I'm a new GFC follower named gibberish. Thanks for the giveaway - cute project.
bandkgram at hotmail dot ca

Judy B said...

I am a new follower. Love the bag, will be very handy. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Love the colors and the kit sounds great!

Jeneta said...

You are so very kind to have precut the fabric!

Jamie Leigh Martin said...

Ugh, where did my comment go? What an awesome project! My mom is retiring in three days, so I'm trying to find her the coolest new hobby EVER! Jamie Martin = GFC.

Diane H said...

What a great project! Thanks for a chance and I follow.

Karen said...

Great project. Thanks so much.

Vicki W said...

That's a very clever little pouch!

marci sinfisi said...

im new to your blog, and im follower now!
thank you for the giveaway

Kay said...

Oh what fun!! This is such a cute bag, I especially love the lock. Even though i am no longer at school I still love to buy new notebooks. Thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

lovely pattern. thank you for this chance. I am new follower from Italy. hugs

Becky said...

Thanks for your generous giveaway! I purchased my own"school supplies" too! Happy follower of your blog:(

Lisa Cox said...

How cute! You can never have too many bags.
I am a follower via GFC

Farm Quilter said...

What a cute bag! They always come in handy!!! I'm a follower. Do a test with the Frixion pens...write on fabric, iron it and put it in the freezer...all my marks came back, even after washing. Guess it's part of the price I pay for living in a colder climate, but I'll only use them where they can't be seen. When I did it on white materiel, it left a light tinge on the fabric after washing and heating.

Marcia W. said...

We stocked up on a few items - mainly so we have after school items for activities with the grandnieces we kid-sit. Thanks for the giveaway. Blogger tells me that I gfc follow you - the butterfly avatar (maybe #464??)

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower. I work with a young visually impaired austistic child in the public school system. Love my job!

Sheila said...

I am now following by email , your follow button would not work for me this morning . Great project and I would love to win , thanks for the chance .

Richard Healey said...

That is a cute idea for a pouch. I am a follower.

msmargie2 said...

Wow, thank you for all the great ideas with the school supplies ! I sure do need to get some spiral notebooks while they are on sale !
I'm a follower of your blog, thank you for giving me the chance to win this great prize !

MaryBeth said...

What an adorable idea!! I've made several of the snap bags and just love them, but you've taken it to a whole new level. I've just got to make one of these for my grandson!! Thanks for your generosity.

Mother of four said...

I have never made a snap bag, infact didn't think I would be able to either x Thanks for the free pattern, If I win the kit thats a superb bonus... But I will be happy if not x (I obviously follow you too )

Marsha said...

Love your list of "school" supplies for quilters. I'm right there with you on that! Very nice giveway; thanks for the opportunity and best of luck to your students/children in this year.

Bonnie58 said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all the participants


I like your type of school shopping!!!! I am one of your followers. I like to pick of the plastic cases for my cutters for when I go to my quilt a longs

rag55 said...

I'm a follower!!!

Pippa Parsons said...

im an existing follower and love friction pens too

Susan said...

I am loving this blog hop! Soooo many great ideas! Everyone is a winner!

Judi said...

We homeschool too! I love it, and would totally agree with you that school is a year-round thing at our house too. I also greatly look forward to the back to school sales - and buy spiral notebooks (and notebook paper) by the case too :)

Judi said...

I'm a follower too :)

Mara said...

I pinned your treasure chest tutorial, what a great idea for a boy, thanks for the chance to win.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a great giveaway and cute bag! Thanks!

Jeane said...

I am a follower of your blog. I love buying new crayons for the school year.

Lisa said...

I'm a follower - I've missed us talking by the way! :)

Debbie said...

I'm a new follower...If I won the bag, I'm sure my grandson would take it. Any box he finds he makes a treasure chest out of it.

Robert said...

All my kids are out of school so don't have to worry for them - first grandchild should come in Feb/Mar. Then to have to wait 5 years - but think of all the sewing I can do!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your give-away. From northern Iowa. . . .

Peggy said...

Thanks for a chance to win. I love the Blog Hop Party.

Peggy said...

I'm a new follower.

Tricia said...

Thank You for the chance to win your great kit from a new follower.


Gayle said...

I've seen different projects that were made using those tape measure snap closures - they look so fun!

mary mahoo said...

Thanks for the chance to win. (I'm a follower.)

Anonymous said...

I am a true follower of your blog and enjoy my frequent visits very much. You give us the pattern to make the bag and now you are giving us a chance to win the fabric necessary to make this for myself. Thank you so much for joining the Blog Hop and giving us all a chance to win.

Sandi T.

Pinnylea Creations said...

My girl pirate bagaholic would love this - the colours are my favourites. Would love to win :)
I'm a new follower

Fleurette said...

Thanks so much Michelle, I would love to make your Treasure Chest Snap Bag. I am a new follower.

Marsha Cooper said...

I'm a new follower.
I recently learned about ironing crayon and that the color will stay in--amazing!
I also just recently learned about the Frixion pens too.

CynthiaT59 said...

Very cool bag! Thanks for the chance to win the kit.

Mike Pearson said...

I'm following you on GFC.

bets said...

I already follow you...nice kit and I love my friction pens!

Anonymous said...

wonderful idea!!

Maria Kievit said...

Am a follower already, and thanks for the chance to win.

Debby said...

new follower, love your "stuff"! thanks for the opportunity

Trinity said...

I am a new follower! I have all boys, so a treasure bag would be cool!

Sue said...

I am a new follower. The treasure bag is really cute!

e said...

thanks for the opportunity to win....

Taylor said...

wonderful idea!!


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