
Sunday, February 02, 2020

Mystery Stitching

I have absolutely no idea what this is...

My best guess would be that it's a detail of the tablecloth. I could be completely wrong and I'm not going to spend any time worrying about it. It's completely possible to follow a chart and have no idea what that thing you're stitching actually is. I did that with the crochet hook and doily on Crocuses in the Windowsill. It's clear if you look at the picture on the packaging, but once I start to stitch I get focused on the chart itself. 

Whatever this mystery blob actually is supposed to represent in the finished piece, it's the beginning of my project for the Riolis SAL. As worried as I was about how it would be to stitch on black fabric, the contrast of those colors makes it totally worth the extra concentration!

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen a Rolis kit before, love the detail! I'm going to have to hunt one up so I can participate in your stitch-along.
