
Saturday, February 01, 2020

Mini Masterpieces by Alyce Blyth

I wish that Mini Masterpieces by Alyce Blyth had been available when I first started to quilt. It's by far my favorite of the "quilting class" style books that I've read. 

The book is divided into twelve sections, each one explaining a different technique. It starts with a nine patch block, then strip piecing, then triangles. In later chapters it moves on to curves, English paper piecing, and foundation paper piecing.

I'm going to jump in with the later chapters and a few technques that I haven't been able to figure out, even after years of quilting.

Doesn't this amazing little quilt make it seem like I need to learn to foundation paper piece? Each chapter has a demonstration block, followed by a pattern for a small quilt using the technique. For the most part, they're unique quilts, using that particular block to do something more complex.

I also love that the author quilted all but two quilts on her own domestic machine and includes lots of close up pictures of the actual quilting.

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