
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Meet Malia

I whipped up this little quilt because I wanted to try out one of the free-motion patterns from Beginner's Guide to Free-Motion Quilting by Natalia Bonner.

I loved the way the quilting design looked in the book and was considering it for Alex's big girl version of Annabelle, but now that I've given it a try I think it gives the quilt a fluffier texture than I want. It might have laid flatter with cotton batting instead of polyester, and I want to try it on a little wall quilt because I still do like the look.

It was nearly midnight when I got the binding on, so the pictures don't show the texture as well as I'd like. Now I'd better hurry and make more tops because there are a lot more designs in this book I want to try. 

This post is linked to I Gotta Try ThatSew Much AdoFinish it Up FridayCan I get a Whoop Whoop?Get Crafting FridayPinworthy Projects, and Freedom FridaysWonderful at Home, and Inspired Friday.


  1. It looks like a great quilting design.

  2. Isn't it fun to try new quilting designs? Your design looks great. Polyester batting is more puffy. I made a pinwheel baby quilt with it simply because I had it in my stash. It made up well just wasn't what I was used to using.

  3. poly has a lot more loft than cotton so it does puff. Quilting patterns are endless, and each quilt wants something else.
    LeeAnna Paylor
