
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

{What's Cooking?} Orange Juice Bread

Judy's challenge for this week was to use orange juice. Teenage Daughter wanted me to make smoothies -- which was what she wanted me to make when the challenge was to use berries. Smoothies seemed too obvious (and I'm pretty sure I can't find the plunger for the Vitamix), so I decided to try this Orange Juice Bread recipe from The Menu Mom.

Because the first recipe I found, the one I couldn't find again when I actually needed it, called for orange zest, I added zest. I do know how to bake, but the directions for this one confused me -- "alternate liquid with dry ingredients until a creamy mixture?" I wound up throwing it all together and mixing and hoping for the best.

It seems to have worked. This is seriously yummy and I'd definitely make it again.

Tonight, I'm making the Thai Peanut Chicken from the peanut butter challenge.  And I'm wishing I had a copy of The Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion to read -- in the 1971 version of that one, Nancy Drew is trying to clear the name of a man accused of shipping a truck filled with explosive oranges to NASA. Wouldn't that be a perfect read for today? At the very least, it might keep me busy while I'm waiting for the blog hop to start.

This post is linked to What's Cooking? over at Patchwork Times.


  1. I have eaten orange bread and it is good/

  2. The "alternate" part means that you're meant to pour in about 1/3 of the liquids, then 1/2 the flour mixture, then another 1/3 of the liquid, etc. while the mixer is going at the slow speed (or pour some then stir some, if you're doing it by hand). It's the standard technique for a "butter cake" as opposed to a quick bread.

    Theoretically, at least, mixing the flour with the fat hinders gluten development, and makes for a more tender batter.
