
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

{yarn along} The Clue in the Cobweb

The next new project I cast on will use yarn that isn't black or dark gray. The Red Heart Shimmer I'm using for my Springtime Bandit is hard to photograph and even harder to see late at night. But I'm on the home stretch.
That edging chart that I was worred about? Compared to the body of the shawl, it's been easy as pie. Neatly lined up rows of eyelets, decreases that stack one over the other....I can do this! 

The book -- and would you believe that's a library book, still in circulation? -- is The Clue in the Cobweb, a Dana Girls mystery that I reserved from the library because the title sounded intriguing.  Another series of 1930s mysteries to fall in love with....just what I needed!
Remember library books with actual cards in the backs? Or am I seriously dating myself? The same name appears here three times...makes me wonder if the book was one of her favorites.

To celebrate my new Nancy Drew quilt, I'm giving away two vintage Nancy Drew books. You can enter by leaving a comment on that post before December 10. 
I'm still slogging through the Quinn's "butt book" and he's still listening with rapt attention. The things a mom will do for her boys... but they're learning a lot of new, and surprisingly appropriate vocabulary from it.
For more fun projects to drool over, check out On the Needles at Patchwork Times and Work in Progress Wednesdays at Tami's Amis


  1. Yes, I remember library books with cards! Now our library has self-checkout and you just stack the books on the sensor. Enjoy the old-fashioned mystery!

  2. Flashback to childhood. Love it!

  3. Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten all about the Dana girls! I do remember library cards and even have a few books with cards we pasted in so we could play library. Love your shimmer project!
