
Monday, October 07, 2019

The Second Week of October

We're moving into the second week of October and I really need to  get moving on my Halloween plans. There's the pumpkin patch to get to, and the gaming expo....and Halloween.

Why does October always fly by so quickly? We've got so many things to do!

To Do --
weave in ends and take pictures of finished knits
cast on a new project so I'll have mindless knitting to haul around
clean sewing machine
put up floss from finished projects
add more grid lines to Crocuses on windowsill


  1. Love the colors! Those are Very Long socks!!

  2. Hi Michelle! How, oh how can it possibly be the second week of October already. Even if it is just technically the first day of said second week, I just want to say waaaaaaa. Love the 'clean sewing machine' item number. I love cleaning my SM . Thanks for linking up this week and good luck on the list. ~smile~ Roseanne
