
Sunday, February 04, 2018

Black and White Socks

This is my first stash-dived project of 2018 and if I'd known what fun patterns the yarn would make, it wouldn't have sat in my stash for nearly this long.

Yarn: Regia Ringel Color

I know from experience that Regia yarns can do some really fun things, but this stuff is ugly in the skein and I hadn't seen any pictures of finished projects to motivate myself with. My one previous pair with this yarn made boring and uniform stripes.


  1. Those are such neat looking socks. I love the pattern that yarn made too. Isn't it fun to watch the design come to life.

  2. These are so cute! Impressed with your abilities! 👍🏼

  3. Love them knitt8ng socks is my favorite thing to do

  4. I don't knit socks. And I am so impressed by those of you that do! Love these!

  5. Very cute - I would wear these! I have a special respect for anyone who's able to successfully finish a knitting project... unlike me haha.
