
Thursday, July 20, 2017

{Junk Store Temptations} Where My Husband is Likely to Stop

My husband isn't  big fan of thrift shops. Junk stores are more his style. Especially if it's a place like this one... 

That's only half of the front. When I pulled up, they were adding a still to the collection of stuff. That was priced, but not much else is. Plates, furniture, appliances...all sitting out in the elements with a few tarps thrown over it all when it rains.

There are even a couple of sewing machines buried in that mess...

Inside, there's slightly more method to the madness. This was my first visit in years and it definitely smelled better than it did last time.  I've been down these aisles with toddlers in tow, but I don't recommend it.

One electric mixer and dozens and dozens of sets of beaters...

And lots and lots of tools...

Honestly, I don't think I'd buy anything from this store that I couldn't bleach. But I've found a couple of treasures over the years and there's a food chopper I'm going to take my husband back to look at. It's not exactly the one he's after, but it might be close enough.


  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I have to admit to preferring thrift stores, but a long time ago, decades, I found some wonderful rug beaters and hot irons in just such a place. I don't actually see places like this too often any more.

  2. oh dear, those poor sewing machines!
