
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

{Antique Shop Temptations} Waimea

I didn't realize at first that we were walking into an antique shop. We'd been making our way down the sidewalk, looking at t-shirts and bamboo wind chimes and this was the next place on the street. The horse toy buried in the bushes caught my attention, but I still wasn't thinking "neat antiques!"

Not until we stepped through the door and Teenage Son pointed out this book. Peter Pan from before Disney got involved.

It's easy not to be tempted when your purchases have to fit into the same suitcase as the rest of your belongings. Furniture was completely off limits...but I brought home ideas. Remember those sewing stools I've been so tempted by? What if  I found one in poor condition (or made one) and did some quilting to upholster it with?

Another pretty crib for my imaginary collection of unsafe baby furniture...

I wish I'd had more time to look at the old pictures. A couple of those would've fit in my suitcase. And collecting old wedding pictures would be just as fun as my small collection of baby pictures.

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