
Monday, April 10, 2017

Be My Neighbor - Where Was I?

I fully intend to finish Be My Neighbor, so I decided to figure out which blocks I'd already finished and make sure that I had the instructions for the other eight blocks printed out. I don't know when I'll get motivated enough to piece them, but I know I'd be heartbroken if I couldn't find the patterns when I needed them.

It'll also help to have a current photo so I know which fabrics I've already used.

This post is linked to Patchwork Times, Main Crush Monday, Monday Making,  Moving it Forward


  1. Yours is looking very good! I've also got all the patterns saved but haven't made a start yet! I'd better get at it. Thanx for the reminder.

  2. Very fun houses. It does help to have a photo of where you are. Makes it easier to decide what needs to be done next.

  3. No hurries! Just enjoy the process. It's look good
