
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

{Thrift Shop Temptations} More Stuff I'd Never Seen Before

I ducked into the thrift shop while Christmas shopping because one of the boys had added a book to his list that I was sure I'd seen there earlier. What kind of sense does it make to spend eight bucks on a brand new paperback when I can get the same book for seventy-nine cents? (And when the child in question understands that used book = more money for other presents.)

It was a quick trip, but I did stumble across this. 

Vintage Nailhead Art

I had to turn it sideways to figure out that the flowers are made up of painted nail heads. This is one of those things that Great-Grandma totally would have made back in the day. Makes me wonder if she never saw the pattern....and that made me want it. I left it for someone else who has more of a love of vintage projects and a better idea for getting rid of all of that dust.

These were more tempting. I see Aunt Martha's transfers now and then, but rarely so much Vogart. Most of them were run-of-the-mill embroidery patterns, but I'd never seen those peacocks or ladies before and I do plan on learning to crochet and they were cheap. So those two are mine now.

Vogart Embroidery Transfers

It was a good day for things I've never seen before.  For someone who has this particular vintage record player these would have been a good find...if the picture strips of every last one weren't missing. I'd never seen one of these before, but if you're as curious as I was, you can find youtube videos showing them in action.

SHOW'N TELL picturesound books

Have you found anything interesting lately, or were you too busy with the holidays?


  1. I have never seen the painted nail art before. That was pretty but like you I would of left it for someone who would show it off.

  2. I've never seen nail head art before, but I had a Show n' Tell system when I was a kid in the 60s. You put the film strip in the top and turned the record on and the strip would move up as the record played. I think there was a beep before it moved. It was very cool for the time!!

  3. My MIL has one of those nail art things. I've never gotten close enough to inspect the dirt on it. Don't want to comment on it for fear she will give it to me!
