
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Even Faster Socks

I can't think of a name for this pair. In the skein it looked like Halloween colors, but as  socks they're just bright and fun and kind of indescribable. I can't find the yarn tag, which didn't have a descriptive color name anyway.

They were fun to knit and I like the way they look -- and do normal people name their socks at all, let alone worry about naming one particular pair?

This post is linked to Patchwork TimesCrazy Mom Quilts, Wrap up Friday  


  1. These are awesome and yes, I think they NEED a name!

  2. I'm sure "normal" people don't name their socks, but we sock knitters are not normal people. lol
    I can't believe how fast you make them. One reason must be that you have tiny feet and you make your tops shorter than I do. That must be it, right?? It couldn't be that I'm a very, very slow knitter and in between knitting sessions I'm trying to finish one of 75 UFO quilts!

    Have a great weekend.

  3. They look nice and warm and full of rich, beautiful color.

  4. Call it picadilly circus!

  5. I usually name my socks by the colourway - or invent one if it's just got numbers - but most sock yarns have names, and some of them are hilarious!
