
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Because I've Got Fabric With Polar Bears on It...

I had four yards of fabric with polar bears on it and one finished blue baby quilt top. So I made a second top. That left me with enough fabric to back a third blue baby quilt, so I pieced another top. 

The pattern is Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Trips Around the World. To keep the quilt symmetrical and baby-quilt sized, I used 2" strips.

Aside from laying out the strips to see if any of my blues were oddly glaring, I let the colors fall randomly. Am I the only one who sews the blocks together and then waits until the light is good for picture taking to actually look at the finished quilt?

The backing and batting is cut to size and I've got just enough fabric for one more quilt, as long as I keep it small and/or piece the backing a bit.

I've got to admit that I'm not a fan of this fabric, but it's quilt shop quality and suitable  for babies and - at probably fifty cents a yard - it was definitely the right price!

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