
Sunday, July 03, 2016

Mid-Year Totals 2016

Time to take a deep breath and see what I've accomplished over the past six months...

That's three small quilts -- more than I finished in all of 2015.

Seven pairs of socks, only  two of them mindless stockinette. The rest have lace and beads and texture to them.

And four zippers. They're not ambitious zippers, but back in December I was still completely resistant to the idea of putting zippers in anything ever. Four zippers is a  big deal.

I've stopped waiting for things to get back to normal. These days, I'm waiting for life to settle down just enough for me to decide what our new version of normal is going to be.

Weekly Stash Report

Fabric used this week: 0 yards
Fabric used year to date: 5 1/2 yards
Fabric added this week:  0 yards
Fabric added year  to date: 12 yards (+2 sheets)
Net added for 2016: 6 1/2 yards

Yarn used this Week: 0  yards
Yarn used year to Date: 3550 yards
Yarn added this Week: 0 yards
Yarn added Year to Date: 5526 yards
Net added for 2016: 1976 yards

This post is linked to Patchwork Times.


  1. Congratulations on your achievements. I do have one question. Is there supposed to be a minus in total yardage used?

  2. Yes Sharon, that should have been fabric added and not used. Thanks for pointing out the error -- I fixed it.

  3. Anonymous7:46 AM

    That's certainly a respectable amount, and if it's an increase, yay! Someone's toes are going to be warm this winter!
