
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Everybody Loves Ramen

We really like ramen noodles at our house. For Christmas a couple of years back, I visited three different Oriental markets and bought every brand I thought Teenage Daughter hadn't tried yet. I didn't realize that there are sites which rate the different brands, so I just picked the ones with intriguring labels. It was a combination Christmas present/new round in the ongoing game of Be Brave.

There's almost always ramen in my kitchen, except for the day I got my hands on a review copy of Everybody Loves Ramen by Eric Hites.  That was a shame, since some of these recipes look like they'd be fun to try. And I've got the ginger and soy sauce and veggies -- everything except for ramen packets!

The stories and fun facts promised by the cover are cute, but you're not going to really learn anything about ramen from this book, just get ideas for ways to prepare it. Some of the recipes are spectacularly strange. Like the one that calls for five packs of orange Pez. Or the one that has you mix cooked ramen with a can of chili. We'll be skipping those, but I definitely got some good ideas for future lunches.

Disclaimer -- The publisher provided me with a review copy.

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