
Tuesday, March 08, 2016

I've Been Reading...

After her best friend, Adele, tries to trick her into buying the local Paranormal Museum by asking for a dollar and then handing her a bill of sale, Maddie Kosloski finds herself temporarily running the place while she continues her search for a more appropriate job. Adele is opening a tea house in the building and one of the conditions of her lease is that the museum remain open. But both businesses might be in jeopardy when a woman is killed in the museum and her body falls through the plastic sheeting into what will soon be the tea house - and Adele is arrested for the crime. Maddie finds herself selling tickets to the museum, supervising the renovations to the tea house, trying to solve the murder, and dreaming up ways to make the museum a viable business. The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum by Kirsten Weiss is an enjoyable read and I'll be watching for the next book in the series.

I picked up The Overnight by Ramsey Campbell after seeing it mentioned in some of the review for Horrorstor. It's about a haunted bookstore and the group of employees who wind up spending the night to get things in order for a corporate inspection and hopefully stop the ongoing vandalism. I've got mixed feelings about this one. Parts were entertaining and a bit spooky, especially the bit with the damaged video tapes. But apparently ghosts make things grimy and dusty and every single employee had to notice the dirt repeatedly. (I'd always assumed that my kids were to blame for icky doorknobs and remote controls. Maybe my house is haunted?)  It felt like the plot was getting slower and slower, and then I'm not sure if someone moved my bookmark or I missed an important plot twist, because by the end I'd completely lost track of what was going on.

Disclosure -- The publisher provided me with a review copy of The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum. I picked up The Overnight at the library. 

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