
Thursday, December 03, 2015

A New Friend or a Tasty Snack?

I made some mistakes when I was tracing this one, getting confused between the kitten's tail and the plant next to it. Because I'd used a Frixion pen, I went ahead and stitched what I had, but the whole time I worked on it, I was holding my breath hoping that a hot iron would take off the extra markings. It did. (And yes, I've read the warnings about using these pens for quilting. In every case but this one, I'm stitching over the lines of ink so I don't worry about it. This time, I was willing to gamble a bit rather than cut a new piece of muslin and retrace the entire design.)

This is one of the new hot iron transfers I picked up at Walmart. I've had it on fabric for a couple of months, but I couldn't make up my mind about what colors to use beyond the really obvious -- red striped stockings, black shoes, blue dress, red hair..... It's those white aprons that always trip me up.


  1. Annie is my favorite so far of all the ones you've done!! Love her!

  2. Your stitcheries are so sweet! I love them both! Christine x

  3. Beautiful! I have a Frixion for my full coverage cross stitch.

  4. Awww... that kitten and fish embroidery is so sweet! And Annie is always a classic. Your stitching is lovely.

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party. Aloha hugs!
