
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Not the Week I Expected to Have

It was a wild week. Monday, I went to the walk in clinic to see about a muscle I pulled a month ago which wasn't getting any better and wound up in the emergency room at 1am getting diagnosed with a blood clot. How does it go from "You should've waited to schedule an appointment with your regular doctor" (that was the receptionist) to a 10pm call telling me that the test results were back and I needed to get to the emergency room immediately?

If you've been reading my blog for a few years, you might remember the drama of my knee surgery and the subsequent blood clots. I've got a new one, this time with no apparent cause. Needless to say, I'm not a happy camper.

While I was waiting for the call with the blood test results, still sure that they were doing to be negative, Hubby came in with the mail and there was a box from Janice, a blog reader who had emailed me a while back that she was downsizing and had a stack of transfers she wanted to send me. That box was packed tight with Aunt Martha's patterns and older ones and some embroidered blocks and some fabric that had already been prepped with transfers... and the amazing part is that, with as many patterns as I've got in my stash and as many as I've been drooling over online for the past year, I hadn't seen most of them. A few I had seen and desperately wanted.

Tuesday afternoon, I sorted through it all while I was waiting for an appointment with the coagulation clinic. Those daily shots to the stomach that I hated so much last time around? This time I don't have to go in to the hospital every day. I get to do them at home myself -- and its twice a day. Actually, I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to do it. I really thought I'd have to get Hubby to do it. And the rat poison pills? I'm on that stuff for life.

I'm so glad to have embroidery and knitting and quilting to distract myself with. There's going to be more than one embroidered quilt. All of the pretty images I want to stitch won't fit into one quilt, even if I make it huge.

Weekly Stash Report

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 0 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 41 yards
Net Added for 2015: 38 1/2 yards

Yarn Used this Week: 0 yards
Yarn Used year to Date: 2800 yards
Yarn Added this Week: 0 yards
Yarn Added Year to Date: 3675 yards
Net Added for 2015: 875 yards

This post is linked to Patchwork Times.


  1. Oh, my goodness! How scary for you. I'm so glad it was diagnosed before it caused any serious problems! Dr. Kaholly prescribes lots of down time with healthy doses of stitching!

  2. It's always good to listen to your body and ignore ill-informed comments like that of the receptionist. Sorry that you have to be on meds but what a blessing to help you live a normal life! Your surprise package is great fun!!!

  3. My husband has been off and on Coumadin for his heart being in and out of atrial fibrillation. Once we get the diet routine down its not too bad. We live in California but everywhere in the USA has fresh food available now. We had a small green salad everyday and I used to be able to say which foods had high vitamin K levels, we ate them in small amounts and not daily . You are so lucky to have found this clot in a non life ending place. My husband found out about his atrial fibrillation because of the pain of a blood clot in his foot, they had to remove it via surgery then remained hospitalized to see about his heart problem. Again lucky for us they the Drs were able to get him in normal rhythm for 20 years then the husband changed his medication regime on his own and back to A-fib but all is well now no self medication or non-medication for him now

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The blood clot sucks, the box is a pleasant surprise. Hope you are over the worst of it soon.

  5. Sorry to hear about your illness, get well soon! L

  6. I feel for ya and know the shots you talked about. I'm proud of you for being able to do them yourself! I could NOT do it. I myself was only allowed to leave the hospital if I promised to go home and stay in bed AND do those shots as well as take the Coumadin (the generic Warfarin actually). Those are given according to your weight and lucky me, I am heavy enough that I was able to have TWO shots each time. Oh yay. NOT! BUT, I could not do them. My husband did them for me. He is such a caring man and is one of those who isn't afraid to cry and giving me those shots which hurt so badly, knowing he was doing that to me really bothered him a lot.

    I had two DVT's in my right leg about 2 years apart, and neither of them were for any reason anyone could find so I am also on that horrible stuff for life as well.

    Good luck and stay clear of too much Vitamin K, which you probably already know since you've done this before.

  7. Hope your recovery goes well! I used to give myself shots in my thigh for migraines and got used to doing it and it wasn't in the stomach. My only experience with Warfarin was when I had chemo. All of a sudden, the oncologist realized no one was checking my clotting rate - OOPS! Each time I have a quandary with a possible diagnosis, my brother reminds me that I can do things that I would rather not do. My latest malady has been the diagnosis of diverticulitis and that's the mildest of my diagnoses. Good luck and take care! What a great care package!

  8. Sorry to hear about you blood clot. glad that you are strong enough to do the shots yourself. Not sure I could do that. What a nice surprise to get a box full of transfers. That should keep you busy and not thinking about your health the whole time. Take care.

  9. Very sorry to hear about your blood clot. I have had to do those shots after I broke my leg and had surgery. I hate shots and needles. Everyday a noon a friend would text or call me to encourage me to get it done. I was so glad when they were done. Everyday I would have to psych myself up to give myself that shot. If she did not hear back in 15 minutes she would call again. I am not sure if I could have done it twice a day. You are in my prayers.

  10. Did they check you for antiphospholipid syndrome? It's a subset of lupus that I don't have; basically it's an autoimmune tendency to clot. Very sorry to hear you're having to deal with that. A dear friend of mine is on Coumadin for life (she doesn't have lupus, just clotting) so I know a little about it. Hang in there and watch that vitamin K and all that stuff you already know.
