
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

{Yarn Along} Eight Minutes

The more progress I make on the owl socks, the less intense they seem. But I still need something easy to work on while I'm watching TV at night with my husband.  I'm hoping to find something that's just a hair more challenging than plain stockinette, but I haven't made time to do that quite yet. I need to hustle, because at this rate, my self-striping stash will be gone before long. 

Shelly Buckner gives birth to her son, furious with her husband for not coming to the hospital. What she doesn't know is that Eric was in an auto accident on his way to her side and lies dead in another room of same hospital. Eight minutes later, he is revived...and three years after that, their son Toby gains an imaginary friend. John Robberson was a pilot. He tells Toby lots of details about his plane, things that the three-year-old can't know. And he wants Toby to go see someone named Kay, an idea that fills little Toby with hysterical dread.

Eight Minutes by Lori Reisenbichler is a spooky read. As Shelly tries to find out what's happening to their son, her husband becomes more angry and distant, unhappy that she's embarrassing him in front of his friends and colleagues. He insists that she drop the whole idea of reincarnation and hitchhiking spirits.  I can't tell you what I liked so much about this book without giving away the plot, but I definitely recommend this one if you're looking for something creepy and a bit different.

Hayden Mundy Moore, the world's only chocolate whisperer is smart and competent and daring. So when one of her good friends is found dead at a retreat, she's determined to find out if the chef accidentally overdosed on her own highly caffeinated chocolates, or if there's a killer roaming the chocolate scented grounds of the exclusive resort. Criminal Confections by Colette London is the first book in the new Chocolate Whisperer mystery series. Hayden is a lot of fun to read about. I'm hoping that her next mystery takes her to one of the exotic locales that's mentioned in the book.

For more pretty knitting projects to drool over, check out On the Needles at Patchwork Times.

Disclosure - The publishers provided me with review copies. 


  1. Love the colourway of your yarn. A chocolate whisperer - that sounds interesting!

  2. Mindless kitting is always a necessity! Love the yarn color.

  3. It's a great idea to have an easy pattern to fall back on when you're knitting a "don't talk to me" one, isn't it? Thanks for the book suggestions! Love the blue socks, too.

  4. Your yarn is real pretty. I am doing an easy pair now too.
